Outlook Server For Mac
Outlook cannot find server. Verify the server information is entered correctly in the account settings, and that your DNS setting in the network pan of system preferences are correct. I have looked online for a suitable solution but have yet to find one. Get time back when you’re all caught up with what’s new in your Focused Inbox. Free with Outlook for iOS Connect. Get things done on the go with Outlook mobile. Work efficiently with email, calendar, contacts, tasks, and more—together in one place. Office integration lets you share. Microsoft Outlook for Mac Add Your Gmail Account to Outlook 2011 Mac Using IMAP. To set up your Outlook client to work with Gmail: Enable IMAP in Gmail; Sign in to Gmail. Click the gear icon in the upper-right and select Gmail settings at the top of any Gmail page.
Imagine when you are in a hurry to send an email message in Outlook in your MAC system and receive an error 3253 message “Connection to the Server failed or was dropped”, it may be one of the biggest frustrating things at that moment. If you have experienced it and now if you are looking for the easiest solution for Outlook Mac error code 3253, then you have come to the right place.
In this blog, you will get to know
- What is Mac Outlook error 3253?
- Reasons behind its occurrence.
- Easy and working methods to fix Outlook error code 3253.
So let’s get started
Mac Outlook users have reported much time that when they are trying to send an email they face problems, and are not able to send it, they further stated that some time while trying to send an email they receive a Mac Outlook Error code 3252 with the message saying “Connection to the Server failed or was dropped.”
Well, this error restricts Mac users from sending a new email message, while receiving mail is not impacted by this error. It has been seen that as the user clicks the send button, the email message transfers to an outbox with a permanent pending status and code error 3253. So it is clear that this error has an impact only on sending emails.
The worst thing is this error occurs suddenly without providing any previous notification, in this way it may cause a big hindrance in your communication and can impact your business badly. So it is necessary to fix this error at the time.
Reasons behind Mac Outlook 3253 error
well, this is an error of “failure of connectivity with the server” and there is no fixed reason behind the occurrence of this error. But after researching different cases here are some common reasons –
The Mac OS X versions types such as OS X Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan and the latest macOS version the macOS Sierra and High Sierra are compatible to run the version without doing any specifications on the Mac operating system. For mac itools app. Why iTools 4 for MaciTools 4 Mac recently came out as the latest Mac iTools updated version with a number of features which are specially designed for Macintosh computers.
Wrongly set up Outlook Account
This is a common reason behind the issue of connectivity between client and server. Many times, when the Outlook account is not properly set up in the Mac system, Outlook Error code 32353 arises. Wrongly set up means wrong set up of outgoing (SMTP) and incoming (POP and IMAP) mail servers ports.
Enlargement in the size of Send BOX
Outlook Server For Email
When the number of items in the send box increases tremendously, it puts extra pressure on the email client, an increase in the number of emails present in the send box is one of the major reasons behind the issue in client-server connectivity.
Inappropriate installation of Outlook
This is also a possibility behind MAC Outlook error 3253, some time Inaccurate and Incorrect installation of Outlook in user Mac system can cause the problem. But this problem can easily be settled down by providing the right information.
Solution for Fixing Mac Outlook Error 3253 Easily
Now it’s time to see some effective solution using which you can fix the error for sure. Don’t worry, all the solutions are written in their easiest language and by following instructions step by step you can solve the error easily.
The foremost step is to find the connectivity of your Outlook account (means to whom your Outlook account is connected ) it can be POP3, IMAP, MS Exchange server and Exchange active Sync (EAS). You can find it easily by following these steps
1 – Click on Files >> Click on Info.
2 – Click Account setting>> check the drop-down list.
Deleting the previous Caches of Mac Outlook
Resetting your “cache preference” is one of the solutions to solve this Mac Outlook error. In many cases, this error is fixed after this solution. By following these simple steps you can delete unwanted cache by yourself manually
1 – Open the “Terminal App” on your Mac machine by clicking the “Spotlight Search Glass” at the right top corner of your Mac Screen. >>TypeTerminal.
2 – The terminal window will open >> Type defaults delete com.microsoft.Outlook in the terminal. This command will result in deleting all your previous Outlook preferences.
3 – Now type “killall cfprefsd”in the terminal window. This will result in deleting the cached preferences.
4 – After that launch Outlook in your Mac system
Now send an mail to test is the error 3253 is fixed or not. If the Mail is sent without any problem that great otherwise move to the second Method.
Creating a New Email Account
In this manual method, set up a new email account by using a new profile in your Mac Outlook.
1 – Find the Outlook Application by using the Finder option.
2 – Right-click on Outlook Application >> choose show package contents.
3 – Go to content >>share support >> double click on Outlook file manager.
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4 – Click on create new profile options>> provide the necessary information.
- Click on Add Account >> select the account type from the various option available (Exchange/Office 365 Or POP/IMAP )
- Fill the required information& double-check it so that there will be no error >> click on Add Account Button.
Note – If you want to add an Exchange account, or IMAP/POP account then follows these simple steps.
Adding a new Exchange Account
1 – Click Add Button in the lower-left corner >> Select Exchange.
Outlook Server For Mac Installer
2- Enter all the necessary information for your Exchange Account.
3- Now select the “Configure Automatically” option to configure your exchange account automatically >> click on Add Account.
Adding an IMAP/POP Account
1 – Click on Add Button>>Other email option.
2 – Enter the necessary required details.
3 – Click Add Account.
Now your new account is added to your Mac Outlook, send a testing email to test if the error is fixed.
Final Words
I hope this small informative blog helped you to Fix Mac Outlook Error 3253 “Connection to the Server failed or was dropped.”, If you find this blog helpful, then please tell us in the comment box. In case you have any queries about Mac Outlook and its errors, then feel free to contact us. We will be very happy to help you out.
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